About me

I have a long track record in fisheries science and advice. Before starting as self-employed researcher and advisor, I have worked as Chief Science Officer at the Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association where I operated as the linking pin between fisheries science and fisheries practice. Prior to that, I have worked as senior researcher for RIVO/IMARES (1997-2014) with a specialization in fisheries science and advice. I have been the chair of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (ACFM, 2006-2007) and vice-chair of the ICES Advisory Committee (ACOM, 2008).

From 2023 onwards: Martin Pastoors F&F

Self-employed researcher and advisor. Focus on data collection, data analyses, simulation, visualization and communication of results.

2014-2022: Chief Science Officer at Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association

Developed industry-initiated research strategy for pelagic fish stocks. Organized full self-sampling approach for pelagic fisheries. Initiated dedicated research activities involving fishermen and scientists on a range of different topics (acoustics, gonad development, reproduction, genetics, CPUE modelling). Improved scientific understanding within pelagic fishing industry. Liaison between industry, science and policy. Visualization of different types of data for different audiences.

1997-2014: (Senior) researcher at Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES), IJmuiden, The Netherlands

Advised national government on fisheries management. Participated in the ICES advisory process. Chaired ICES Working Group on Fisheries Systems and the ICES Working Group on the Assessment of Demersal Stocks in the North Sea and Skagerrak. Organized and participated in several EU funded research projects dealing with the interface between science and policy (PKFM), the development of tools for management strategy evaluations (EFIMAS, COMMIT) and the links between biological and economic sciences (EFFORT-F, TECTAC). Coordinated Work Packages in fisheries governance projects (GAP2, MYFISH).

2009-2013: Lector Marine Policy at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science, department of Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Linking pin between professional education and policy-making practice. Bringing research issues into the professional education environment. Focus on marine policy with special attention to co-creation, marine governance and integrated knowledge.

2009-2011: Director Centre for Marine Policy, part of Wageningen University and Research Centre

Leading developments of the Centre for Marine Policy, a consortium consisting of Wageningen University Environmental Policy Group, IMARES, LEI and Van Hall Larenstein Initiating new research possibilities. Brokering between science, stakeholders and policy-makers. Coordinated European Project on Maritime Spatial Planning (MASPNOSE).

2006-2008: Chair of ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (ACFM) / Vice-chair of ICES Advisory Committee (ACOM), ICES, Denmark

Organized the ICES advisory process and chaired the advisory meetings on fisheries management. Communicated the advice to management authorities, stakeholder organizations and media. Organized the transition between three separate advisory committees into one integrated committee dealing with fisheries, ecological and environmental advice.



Strong communicator and advisor on marine research and policy
Developed ICES training courses on communication skills and on explaining fish stock assessment and advice to stakeholders.
Clear communicator with fishermen and researchers.


Organization of industry-led research program covering many different topics and vessels and with many different research groups
Informal leadership in the ICES advisory programme (chair of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management
Informal leadership in IMARES on topics of marine governance and fisheries management and the introduction of the landing obligation in European Fisheries.


Highly advanced R skills (“Tidyverse”)
Very good command of Microsoft Office™ tools, notably Microsoft Excel (including Macro programming), Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpoint