
Currently working on . . .

(Interim) project leader for the LIFE CIBBRINA project

The aim of the CIBBRINA project is to work together with fishers, authorities and other relevant stakeholders to minimise – and, where possible, eliminate – incidental bycatch of Endangered, Threatened and Protected (ETP) marine species in the North-East Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean regions (all WPs) by optimising, developing and evaluating mitigation methods and support tools and working to ensure their long-term implementation. Within CIBBRINA, I am currently working as the interim project leader (on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature) from October 2024 until March 2025. The project will run from 2023 until 2029.

Chair of the Scientific Feedback Commission (Wetenschappelijke Klankbord Commissie, WKC) of the North Sea Agreement (Noordzeeoverleg, NZO)

From March 2024 onwards I will be chairing the Scientific Feedback Commission (WKC) of the North Sea Agreement (NZO). The WKC can provide requested or unsolicited advice to the NZO ( regarding the key scientific questions that are connected with the three major transitions taking place in the (Dutch part of the) North Sea: energy transition, nature transition and food production transition.

Data collection and analysis of Flyshoot fishery

Continued data-collection on flyshoot fishing vessels and carry out analysis and reporting on self-sampling data for target species and bycatch. Commissioned by: Jaczon BV, Netherlands

Projects (hopefully) to be started in the future

DIGIvloot: a project focused on digitization of the Dutch cutter fishery

In May 2024, we submitted a proposal aimed at digitization of the Dutch cutter fishery for funding under the EMFAF program. The proposal brings together 11 fishing companies, 2 software services companies and 1 university to develop and advance the digital capabilities of the cutter fleet. The project is supported by two applied research institutions and two independent advisors.

Previous projects

Chair of the ICES Benchmark workshop on horse mackerel and boarfish

The Benchmark workshop on horse mackerel and boarfish stocks met on 22-25 January 2024 for a data evaluation workshop and on 8-12 April 2024 for the final benchmark workshop.

Evaluation of the North Sea sole assessment and advice

Reviewing the inputs and outputs of the 2023 sole assessment (Commissioned by PO Urk and Vissersbond)

Digital developments in the Dutch cutter fishery

On behalf of the Fishery Innovation Network (Visserij Innovatie Netwerk I carried out a review of possibilities and constraints on digital developments in the Dutch cutter fishery (

Data collection and analysis of Flyshoot fishery

Set-up and supervise self-sampling on flyshoot fishing vessels and carry out analysis and reporting on self-sampling data for target species and bycatch. Organize access to historical and ongoing electronic logbook data and carry out analysis and report on trends in catch rates and spatio-temporal dynamics. Create an inventory of available scientific surveys in the North Sea and English Channel and carry out analysis and report on population trends for various target species of the flyshoot fishery. Commissioned by: Jaczon BV, Netherlands

Management Strategy Evaluation taking into account density dependent growth

Carrying out Management Strategy Evaluations (MSE) for pelagic stocks (Mackerel, Blue whiting). The MSE’s take into account the potential effects of density-dependence growth, maturity, natural mortality and the combination of those three components.. Commissioned by: Henrik Sparholt, University of Copenhagen. Links:,

Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Fisheries Data Collection – “Catching Data”

Assessment and advice on Quality Control and Quality Assurance procedures as have been or could be applied in fisheries data collection programs. Reviewing recent experiences and examples and recommending appropriate ways forward. Commissioned by: PO Urk, Netherlands.

Co-chair of the ICES Workshop on guidelines and methods for the design and evaluation of rebuilding plans for category 1-2 stocks (WKREBUILD2)

The main objective of WKREBUILD2 was to propose performance indicators and thresholds for the implementation and acceptability of rebuilding plans and a framework for the integration of rebuilding advice rules within the ICES advice framework.